
Where Can I Serve?
Jesus told us, his disciples, to make disciples of all nations. Being a Disciple of Christ involves getting involved with the over the mission of the church. One component of our mission is to minister to all who call. Rather that call is literally or figuratively we must respond. Pastor Shaw discourages the phrase “bench member”. He believes that there is too much to do in the Kingdom for anyone to be a bench member. Please contact the office to find out how to participate.

Blanket of Love: Each Wednesday the mothers of the church (Women’s Missionary Society) mentor young single mothers, where they provide valuable tools to assist them with caring for their children.

Feed My Sheep: On Sunday mornings we share with the community through the Feed My Sheep Ministry. Feed My Sheep provides breakfast for families in the community.

Children & Youth Church: ~ 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday
Sunday Church School (All ages)

Choirs & Praise Team: Assemblies of Christ Choir (adults), Praise Team, Mass Choir, Male Chorus, Youth and Young Adult Choir, and Children’s Choir.

Christian Youth Fellowship (CYF): Ages 12 – 17 or Grades 6 – 12. The primary mission is to disciple young people in Christian growth through study, worship, fellowship, leadership, and service.

Clothing Ministry: Members share with others what God has blessed them with. The clothing ministry provides clean clothing in good condition to people and families in need.

Community Choirs: The New Jubilee Community Choir (Adults & Children) Partnership ministry with other Churches.

Evangelism Ministry: The goal of the Board of Evangelism is to bring all persons into living active relationships with God through Jesus Christ as Divine Savior and through the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit. It is to also welcome them, gather them into the fellowship of the church, capture pertinent data for church records and reporting as well as assign “Prayer Partners”. We hope to lead members (old and new) to express their Christian discipleship in every area of their lives.

Jr. Christian Youth Fellowship (Jr. CYF): Ages 6 – 11 or Grades 1st – 5th. The primary mission is to disciple young people in Christian growth through study, worship, fellowship, leadership, and service.

Media & Technology:
Using media to spread the gospel is a privilege of this church. In an age of widespread technology, we have a stewardship to use these tools as best as possible for kingdom purposes. All of our weekly sermons are uploaded to our website via Youtube and Facebook. We also have an active Zoom and Free Conference Call available for church communication.

Men’s Support Group Ministry: The Men’s Solid Foundation Support Group is dedicated to the mutual sharing of our strength, support, and hope. They work together to regain and maintain balance and order in our lives through brotherly advice and biblical instruction. God’s word is the only power able to deliver us completely.

Ministering to Angels: Greeters & Hospitality Ministry

Missionary:   All CME churches are to have a Missionary Society, but few also have Circles. The Rossie T. Hollis, Mattie E. Coleman, and Phyllis H. Bedford are Departments for children and young adults. All our Circles and Departments are under the umbrella of our Ida Mae Black Missionary Society.  Our society and circles are named in honor of 3 of our outstanding deceased St. Matthew Missionary members.  The departments are named by the CME connection in honor of the connectional founding members and officers.
¨ Rossie T. Hollis 9-12
¨ Mattie E. Coleman 12-17
¨ Phyllis H. Bedford 18-35
” Ida Mae Black Women’s Missionary Society
¨ Ora Taylor Circle
¨ Mary Turner Circle
¨ Cynthia Alexander-Rush Circle

God-honoring worship is something we strive for. Many church members get involved in our music ministry. Some play their instruments. Some are vocalists.

New Members Classes:   Open to all new members.

Praise Dancers: Radiance of Christ (Adults) & Ministry in Motion (Youth) The Dance Ministry is available to children, youth, and adults who have a passion to serve God and a desire to praise Him through dance. The preferred age for our youngest dancer to begin is 4-6, depending on how well they are able to follow directions and focus on what is being taught. There is no cut-off age. They rehearse on Saturday afternoons from 1:00 pm -3:00 pm, at the church. Anyone interested in becoming a member of this ministry can contact Cora Quinones-Barnes via email,, or through the church office.

SAFE –Singles Anointed, Focused & Empowered

Upper Room

Ushers: (Youth, Young Adults & Senior Boards) – The Usher Ministry is an open opportunity to witness for Christ, as they share with others, unconditional love. As doorkeepers, they stand in unity, walk in faith and serve in love. They greet all with a smile and a handshake/hug of love as they enter into the doors open for praise and worship.
Youth board: Ages 5 – 18
Young adult board: Ages 18-35
Usher Board: Ages 35 and up

Young Adult Fellowship:(YAF) Ages 18 – 35 Despite being able to live a life of righteousness after being saved from sin, we cannot restore our brothers and bear their burdens, much less build one another up, without first knowing them. For young adults (from ages 18 to 35) going through transitions, the Young Adults’ Fellowship offers such a place for fellowship and the building up of each other in the faith. Amidst the challenges that we face from the world around us, we aim to offer young adults a place where they can fellowship with other like-minded believers around the word of God so that we can build up each other. We gather regularly to fellowship with like-minded brethren in Christ over meals, outings, the annual retreat, sports, and various activities.